Monday 31 August 2015

Girl Throws a Curveball into Plans

Mayuri had a rough family life. Her father, (Ekaling) spent his days
making some less than great decisions. He drank, gambled, chased
after women, and beat his wife.

Olimani worshipped all the goddesses she could think of to worship to,
but they could not save her.

Mayuri went to work with her mother, (Olimani.)

And as Gospel for Asia puts it,
she continued to do so until Mayuri
"was married off in order to escape
her father's abuse."                                                    

Pretty awful to be getting married
to escape the results of your own parent's marriage hey? Yet it seemed like a clear getaway.

Yet the story of Mayuri's married life
didn't exactly go "happily ever after."

Though there was a brief time of what could be called temporary happiness when Mayuri became pregnant and the couple eagerly awaited the arrival of their son.

Yet when Mayuri failed to produce a son for
her husband Rafat, but gave birth to a daughter instead...
he was quick  to anger.

Not only did Rafar begin to speak badly of Mayuri in front of his family,
but he also started beating her.
(Like her father had done to her mother.)

Though Rafat threatened to leave the marriage,
it was Mayuri who ended up setting sail.

Unsure where else to go,
Mayuri returned to her family's house.

Her mother was distraught over how Mayuri's life had turned,
when she had possessed high hope's and dreams  for her daughter's life and well being.

Mayuri soon learned that her father, and Olimani''s husband, Ekaling,
had married another woman.

On a quest to find work,
Mayuri was ripped off by a man
who left her in debt.

The only option she saw left,
was for her to become a prostitute
in order to prevent her children's starvation.

Mayuri was shunned by her entire community with the exception of one.
A pastor from Gospel for Asia. She also developed a tumor on her abdomen.

In a search for healing of some sort of another,
Mayuri started trekking to temples & offering up sacrifices.

Yet a day came,
when this pastor named Patakin offered Mayuri the chance to pray to the one, true,

This was not the first time the two had held a conversation about Jesus.  
While the rest of the villagers did their best to keep their distance from Mayuri,
the pastor visited the home of a prostitute.

Mayuri ignored what Pastor Patakin had to say,
but this time she listened when he invited her to a
Christmas service at a local church.

Many years of being shunned and cast to the side 
had taught Mayuri to expect the worst.

Yet when she walked through the church doors she
was met with love and acceptance.

She returned back to that Church 
and kept going back.

During one service,
a specific bible verse
jumped out at Mayuri that
Pastor Patakin read to the congregation.

"He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honour him. With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation."

-Psalm 91:15-16

Pastor Patakin
told Mayuri that,

"If you pray to God, He will heal you and give long life to you."

So Mayuri chose to believe in God,
and put her trust in the one that could save her..

and she experienced the beautiful and healing touch of God as her cancer went away.

Now as Mayuri watches 
her two daughters grow,
she is overjoyed
to know that their lives can be different from the life she knew growing up.

Rafat may be gone,
but now they have an entire church family to stand behind them.

They now attend Sunday School weekly and our growing in their relationship
with God;
as they come to know of his great love for them.

After experiencing God's healing,
Mayuri found work "as a daily wage labourer"
and both her daughters are enrolled in school

In Mayuri's words in regards to her life's turnaround...

Thank-you for taking the time to give this a read.

If you'd like to help send a woman missionary to assist
women in need such as Mayuri once was...
here is the place.

Have a marvellous Monday.


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